
At Chisipite Senior School our co-curricular activities and programmes provide valuable learning experiences through practical situations involving teamwork, sportsmanship, winning and losing and hard work.

From drama to orchestra to debating to soccer, co-curricular activities have long been recognised as a way for pupils to express themselves, try a new skill, provide service to the school and community and develop leadership, social, and organisational skills.

Through participating, pupils at every year level have opportunities to grow their:

Self-confidence, self-discipline, reliability and time management

Social groups and friendship connections

Skills in handling competitive situations

Capacity for learning new concepts


As part of our commitment to developing the whole pupil, we have embarked upon the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme, which provides our pupils with the opportunity to enhance their leadership and collaborative skills whilst encouraging commitment and self-reflection.


Active learning is imbedded into all parts of our curriculum with Cambridge Global Perspectives being offered in Form One, Two and Three, across all the subject areas. These challenges hone essential 21st century skills of research, evaluation, and analysis, whilst encouraging collaboration, communication, and reflection. In the Sixth Form, pupils are encouraged to prepare a self-determined research project on an area that interests them, thereby developing key skills which they will undoubtedly rely on in tertiary education and the workplace.


Technology can be a powerful tool in education and allows for increasing differentiation in the classroom. At Chisipite, we have fully embraced this period of remote learning, and are using Microsoft Teams to integrate the beneficial aspects into the school timetable. This platform as well as tablets and iPads, preloaded with the appropriate applications, are available for teachers and pupils to utilise in lessons. Lessons are carefully structured to be engaging and to encompass varying learning styles and abilities. In addition, ‘Netiquette’ and social media responsibility and safety are essential aspects of our Life-Skills programme, which is offered at multiple points throughout the pupil’s school career.

Weather Updates

Sports cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted here.

Always Remember

Please continually check your Senatical email for any important messages. Thank You!


If you have registered on the website but are not able to access the downloads you require, please check your profile and see which Graduate Year Group you are subscribed to. If it is incorrect, please send us an email so we can edit your profile.

First Steps

When registering please use your daughter's FULL NAME as your USERNAME (add a 1 or 2 at the end if both parents/guardians are registering). It is imperative that you select your daughter's GRADUATE year from the drop down menu.

Form One Admissions

Admissions for Form 1 2023 are now closed

Chisipite Senior

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