
Academic excellence is at the heart of our School curriculum. We’re passionate about learning and we believe that senior school years should be academically stimulating, exciting, challenging and rigorous.

Throughout the school girls are taught in small classes by excellent, committed teachers who understand how girls learn best and are able to adapt their teaching techniques in line with this. Our curriculum is designed to deliver an exciting and stimulating learning experience. We focus on developing a depth of learning and understanding.

At all stages of the curriculum we focus on developing a depth of understanding – it is this depth of understanding which will not only enable students to achieve the best possible examination results and university destinations, but will develop a lasting knowledge and a lifetime passion for learning.

Academically, the journey through the School is also one of growing independence in terms of thinking, learning and studying and as such we believe that it is important for us to equip girls with the skills they need for this – in other words, they need to learn how to learn effectively.

While sometimes learning inevitably means settling down with text books, we take every opportunity to bring those text books to life and enrich the curriculum with meaningful, real life experiences. Trips to museums and galleries, opportunities for guest speakers and interactive learning experiences feature at all stages of our curriculum.

Weather Updates

Sports cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted here.

Always Remember

Please continually check your Senatical email for any important messages. Thank You!


If you have registered on the website but are not able to access the downloads you require, please check your profile and see which Graduate Year Group you are subscribed to. If it is incorrect, please send us an email so we can edit your profile.

First Steps

When registering please use your daughter's FULL NAME as your USERNAME (add a 1 or 2 at the end if both parents/guardians are registering). It is imperative that you select your daughter's GRADUATE year from the drop down menu.

Form One Admissions

Admissions for Form 1 2023 are now closed

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