Guidance on Admissions

Guidance on Admissions to Chisipite Senior

Form 1

Admission into Form 1 is dependent upon the following:

  • Satisfactory performance in the CHISZ Common Assessment Paper (written on the first Saturday of July of the applicant’s Grade 7th year).
  •  A latest and satisfactory junior school report and confidential report from the Head.
  • Further evidence of academic ability and an interview may also be required.

The deadline for applications is the end of March in the applicant’s Grade 7 year.

Boarding places are limited and, therefore, priority will be given to applicants who reside outside of Harare.

Form 2, 3 and 4

Admission into Form 2, 3 or 4 is dependent upon the following:

  • A satisfactory report from the Head of the applicant’s current school.
  • Satisfactory performance in test papers set by Chisipite in English, Mathematics and French as well as any other subjects deemed relevant to the application.
  • Further evidence of academic ability and an interview may also be required.

Pupils seeking entry into Form 3 or 4 must have completed the same courses on offer at Chisipite in their previous school.

Lower 6th (Form 5)

Admission into Lower Six is dependent upon:

  • Satisfactory performance at IGCSE (applicants should have a minimum of 5 extended passes, ideally with A grades in the subjects chosen for A Levels)
  • Availability in the subjects selected.
  • A satisfactory report from the Head of the applicant’s current school
  • Further evidence of academic ability and an interview may also be required.

Once the application has been approved, a non-refundable Acceptance Fee equivalent to one term’s fee is required to secure the place.

A term’s notice must be given in writing if a pupil is to be withdrawn from Chisipite. This does not apply when a pupil’s continued stay at the school depends on Public Examination results.

The application should include the following:

  •  A completed application form
  • US$50 Registration Fee (non-refundable once applicant invited for assessment)
  • A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate
  • A copy of the applicant’s most recent school report
  • A fees clearance statement from the applicant’s previous school
  • A recent passport size colour photograph of the applicant; and
  • Evidence of any professional examinations undertaken including Cambridge Checkpoint, Grade 7 Zimsec, IGCSE, O Levels & AS Levels.

Please submit original application forms – soft copies will not be accepted


Weather Updates

Sports cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted here.

Always Remember

Please continually check your Senatical email for any important messages. Thank You!


If you have registered on the website but are not able to access the downloads you require, please check your profile and see which Graduate Year Group you are subscribed to. If it is incorrect, please send us an email so we can edit your profile.

First Steps

When registering please use your daughter's FULL NAME as your USERNAME (add a 1 or 2 at the end if both parents/guardians are registering). It is imperative that you select your daughter's GRADUATE year from the drop down menu.

Form One Admissions

Admissions for Form 1 2023 are now closed

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