Performing Arts

Speech & Drama

Pupils in the Speech and Drama department are exposed to numerous plays, arts’ events, workshops, and theatre outings to help develop their skills in Spoken Word, Improvisation, Acting, Musical Theatre Performance, Script Writing and Directing, to name a few. They participate in the National Institute of Allied Arts Speech and Drama Festival to showcase their abilities. The department is also committed to teaching the principles of Technical Theatre and encourages pupils to sign up for the Tech Team, where they learn valuable skills including Stage Management, Lighting and Sound Design and Operation, Costume and Prop Design and Management, and Front of House Management. Every year the department produces a Senior Play, a Junior Play, a Musical, two Arts and Culture Evenings, a Speech & Drama Highlights Evening and the Inter-House Public Speaking competition.


The Music Department at Chisipite encompasses classical, ethnic and modern music. There are many orchestras, groups and choirs encompassing classical, ethnic, and modern music. These include Authentic Voices of Africa Choirs, Chapel Choir, Clarinet Choir, Drums, Flute Choir, Guitar Club, Glee Club, Jazz Band, Junior and Senior Choirs, Madrigals, Marimba Bands, Mbira, String Quartets, Strings Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra and Wind Band. Every year, various musical presentations are held such as the Madrigals, Piano, Strings, Vocal, Guitar and Wind evenings, as well as the much-anticipated African Extravaganza event and Carol Service. Pupils also participate in the National Institute of Allied Arts Vocal and Instrumental Eisteddfod. In addition, the school also offers ABRSM qualifications for pupils who intend to gain formal qualifications in music.

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Sports cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted here.

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First Steps

When registering please use your daughter's FULL NAME as your USERNAME (add a 1 or 2 at the end if both parents/guardians are registering). It is imperative that you select your daughter's GRADUATE year from the drop down menu.

Form One Admissions

Admissions for Form 1 2023 are now closed

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