Single Sex Senior School Education

As a member of AGSA (The Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia) we are up to date on the literature which suggests that girls and boys learn in different ways. As a leading independent senior school, we believe in the benefits of a single sex education. We understand girls and the way they learn, and we are able to adapt our teaching methods to suit their needs. We believe that this in turn enables our pupils to learn more effectively and ultimately to achieve better results.
In a girls-only environment there is also less gender-based pressure when it comes to subject choice. For example, many of our Sixth Formers study Physics at A level, a subject which nationally attracts low numbers of girls. Research from the Girls’ Schools Association (GSA) suggests that girls are 75 per cent more likely to take Mathematics and two and a half times as likely to take Physics in a single sex school.
Of course, academic results are only part of the reason for choosing a single sex senior school. There are many benefits. Teenage life brings many pressures and uncertainties for girls, perhaps more so today than ever before. We believe that a girls-only school can help to reduce some of these pressures. It provides the freedom for our pupils to be who they are; to take more risks; and to build greater confidence.
From Sports to Music to Speech and Drama to Clubs to Leadership Skills – all are geared towards our pupils’ needs.
Our pupils also have the freedom to excel in the sciences, the humanities, and the arts. We believe that more power is given to the pupil to forge their own path when they are given the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects.