The House System

During their time at Chisipite Senior school all pupils (day and boarding) are assigned to one of four Houses, Anderson House, Patrons House, St. Paul’s House and Spring House. The Houses are a key feature of life at Chisipite and pupils enjoy a healthy rivalry in Inter-House Sport, Music and Speech and Drama competitions, culminating in the much sought after House Cup and Junior House Cup awarded at the end of each year.

Anderson House

Named after Beryl Anderson, who established Chisipite Junior School and was dedicated to the education of young women. The trait that embodies this House is “Courage”.

Patrons House

Named after and to acknowledge not just the original patrons of the school but also the countless members of the community who have contributed towards the school’s success. The trait that embodies this House is “Vision”.

St. Paul's House

Named after the disciple Paul, who wrote 1 Corinthians 13 vs 1-13, our school reading. The trait that embodies this House is “Dedication”, to acknowledge the commitment to professionalism and self-actualisation that we believe is in the fabric of the school.

Spring House

Named to acknowledge the importance of water at the school, Spring is also closely tied to our Shona name “Chisipiti” The trait that reflects and embodies this House is “Service”.

Weather Updates

Sports cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted here.

Always Remember

Please continually check your Senatical email for any important messages. Thank You!


If you have registered on the website but are not able to access the downloads you require, please check your profile and see which Graduate Year Group you are subscribed to. If it is incorrect, please send us an email so we can edit your profile.

First Steps

When registering please use your daughter's FULL NAME as your USERNAME (add a 1 or 2 at the end if both parents/guardians are registering). It is imperative that you select your daughter's GRADUATE year from the drop down menu.

Form One Admissions

Admissions for Form 1 2023 are now closed

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